Sunday, May 9, 2010

I am so excited but nervous to know that baby girl Nehmer will be here in 1 1/2 days!! Tomorrow is my last full day with only having one child in my life and that makes me so nervous! I am starting to miss Ben already, he will not be the center of my attention anymore, he will have to share my attention! Since day one, he has been my little man, I have held him as much as I could and probably more than most would. He slept on my chest for 3 1/2 months! How much closer can you get than that?? He napped on my lap after nursing and slept with his head on my shoulder for 7 hours every night! I missed him so much when he started sleeping in his crib and now I can't believe he has a big boy room with a big boy bed and he's growing up too fast!
Well, since my last post, Ben seems to have definitely hit his terrible twos!! He is testing his surroundings and his parents as much as he possibly can and enjoying every minute of it! He still sleeps well in his bed but he is testing our guidelines on when and if we will come back and sing more to him when he jumps out of bed and pulls on the door. He now lays there for 20 minutes of so and sings and talks until he finally crashes. Things that he knows he's not supposed to do, he will now bring more attention to it to get a reaction from us. He will no longer let us go near his head to cut his hair and it's even a task just to wash his hair even though he loves bathtime. Every day is now different with him as he is growing, changing, experiencing, and living every moment! He even helped mommy take off my socks the other day and attempted to put them back on! He loves to mimmick almost every thing we do and it makes me laugh all day long! We can only pray that he will continue to be a big boy and a great help with his little sister!

Playing punch balloon with Grandma and Grandpa Nehmer!

I finally got him to wear a hat!!

The baby has dropped so low, she's barely in the picture!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen,
    Love that last picture (of Emma on the inside!) and now I can't wait to see pictures of her on the outside. ;)

    Welcome little Emma.
