I had my last ultrasound today before the baby is born in 6 1/2 weeks. I was able to have this ultrasound because of my old lady age of 35!! I don't care, I'll take it! Here's the stats on baby Nehmer: still looks like it's a girl (great! I don't have to return the things I already bought!), she is measuring just over 4 lbs and looks like she will be born under 8 lbs. (what a change from the 9 lb. 4 oz. Benjamin!), she is measuring one day less than my actual pregnancy time frame and is around the 55 percentile (again, different from Ben who was at the 95 percentile until he was about 1 yr. old). Everything else is measuring good and looks like we will be delivering around 3:30 pm on May 11th!
This second pregnancy is so different and I am definitely ready for it to be done with! Her head is in my ribs and yes, she is still breech. I don't know if she will ever flip, which would just mean that they have to pull her out feet first. It is getting harder and harder to do alot of things with Ben but I am excited to be pregnant-free this summer with my two babies!!
We are now on night two of Ben being in his big boy bed!! Yay! We have already got it down pat! Last night, our first night, he was unsure of the room but understood that it was his bed and he was supposed to lay down. After doing our bedtime routine and singing to him, I laid him down and he actually did it right away. That lasted for about 8 minutes before he started crying. He didn't get up but he was just crying where he was laying. I went in there and sang for another two minutes and laid him back down and out he went! That was it! He slept from 9:25pm to 7:15 this morning without a hitch. His nap today was about the same but less time. I think last night from start to finish, it took about 30 minutes. Naptime was about 15. And tonight for night two, it was probably 10 minutes and it has been the same each time. He will lay down and cry, I will go in and sing, and then when I lay him down, he rolls over and falls asleep. Pretty easy...so far! This morning when he woke up, I went in there and he said, "Cry...all gone," which is what he says when he knows he's better and he is done crying. So I climbed into bed with him and told him how proud I was and he was all smiles. We sat in bed together for about 20 minutes and then played in his new big boy room for about 30 minutes. He is transitioning well to his new room. It is just sad to walk by his old "baby" room and see it empty as we slowly move "his" things to his room so I can make room for baby girl things. I will take pics of his new room once I have it all in order...that might take awhile!!
Christmas Preparation
11 years ago
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