If you read my last update on Ben's old page, you will notice that this will be our new site for updating for Ben and his baby sister (6 more weeks to go!!)
I have so much to catch up on but on this site, I hope to update more with smaller updates. Once again, there will be no email reminders, you can just check in whenever you want and scroll down to find the latest updates.
Hmm, where do I start with Ben. As I noted in his last update, his communication is really taking off. I still don't know if I would say that others can understand him as much as we can but he does try to copy and repeat most of what he hears around him. Of course, it sounds much cuter coming from him!
One of my favorite things that he says is, "kay.." as in "okay". The reason why I think it's so cute is because this is his way of verbalizing that he is either agreeing with what we or saying or acknowledging that what we say to him is what he wants. If he says something that he wants to eat like, "dohku" which I know means "poptart", don't ask how I know this, and I follow up by asking him if he wants a poptart he says, "kayyy". Or he will just say what he wants and say "kay" right away like "candy? kayyyy". He thinks he is going to get away with giving the ok without us saying it's ok. He's really tricky I tell ya!
Another of his favorite ways of letting us know that he likes something (food) is by saying "Mmmm" and rubbing his tummy. This lets us know that whatever he has just eaten is one of his favorites!
Ben now tries to say, "love you" back to us and it is the sweetest thing! My favorite though was the other day when out of nowhere he says, "Momma? Love you!" I almost started crying!
He still only lets mommy sing and put him down to bed. While I sing to him with his head on my shoulder, he says, "momma?" over and over just to make sure I am paying attention to him. Ben is now completely in his Big Boy bed!! About a month ago, I started getting his new room ready. Jared and I moved all of our stuff over into the guest room which is alot smaller and moved the queen size spare bed into the large room so there would be space to bring up all his toys from the living room. (I need the space for all of the baby stuff that's coming back in!) If you look down at my post from last week, you will see some of the details but now, no crying, just singing, laying him down, singing a bit more, and then he rolls over and sleeps for 11-12 hours!! I cannot believe he transitioned so easily. It took 1 1/2 days to train him! Next on the list is potty training and getting rid of his Nuk!! I just hope my hesitations don't hinder the process!
One little mishap we had back in January was during our first trip to toddler time at the gym. He had a great time (as you can see in the video below). He jumped and played with some of the items they had to play with. It was only an hour session so we didn't have long. As I was picking him up to carry him out, because of course, he didn't want to leave, he pushed his feet off of my pregnant belly and literally jumped out of my arms. It happened so fast, I didn't really know where he went so I didn't attempt to catch him. All I saw in a flash was his body do a complete flip as he arched his back and his body turned face down and he smacked FLAT as a pancake onto the gym floor. Now these floors are those felt material-like spring floors but he still fell about 5 feet down face first. His hands were flat to the sides of his face and he went nose down to the ground. All I did was scream his name because I didn't know what was happening! He started crying after a few seconds because I think he was in shock but he really didn't look too hurt. As he was crying, I noticed just a tint of blood on top of his tongue which could have been from his mouth and teeth hitting the ground but nothing was loose and nothing was bleeding. I just held him in the middle of the floor as he cried for a few minutes and not one person came up to me to check on him. I just carried him out and he wanted to be a big boy and walk up the stairs and out to the car by himself. In the car, he was his old self, singing to his favorite Wiggles movie and you never would have known what he just went through. He came home and ate and drank and took a good nap and that was that. It still haunts me though to this day!
Ben's favorites right now are bananas, baby food fruits (still), strawberries, apples, yogurt, some baby food veggies, green beans, peas, corn, cheetos, poptarts, cereal, pancakes, sausage, mac and cheese, M&M's (CANDY!!), waffles, juice, and PIZZA (Mmmmm). He is somewhat of a picky eater (like mommy) but likes to eat. He loves to watch Christmas episodes of Mickey Mouse and he loves his Wiggles movies. He can't get enough and he knows all the dances and songs and makes us do them with him! It is hilarious watch him mimic and try to sing! He is just getting into Thomas the Train and choo choos and loves to play cars. He is such an explorer and loves to go outside, go for walks, and go to Gramma's!
So far, Ben really has no clue what is going on in mommy's tummy and that he is about to be a big brother. Now that he has his big boy room, I am revamping his old room (the baby's room) and I think he still thinks it's his. We just moved the mattress back up to the top and now he wants to get back in it!! No way! You have your big boy bed and you're not movin back!! Mommy is anxiously waiting for this pregnancy to be over as I am very tired, hence the lack of updates on his site, and it is getting harder to do the things that Ben would like Mommy to do. As of this Tuesday, I have 6 weeks left. I have been having A LOT of Braxton Hicks contractions for the past 5 weeks which with him, I didn't get until I was about 37 weeks. I have been feeling things alot harder and earlier this time around. I had my last ultrasound this past week and was told she was just over 4 lbs and is looking to be maybe 7.5 pounds at birth. This is tiny to me as Ben was 9lbs. 4ozs. so it will be totally different for us. My c-section is scheduled for May 11th at 3:30pm. It will be c-section because I had one with Ben and this hospital is not equipped with emergency surgery if I tried to deliver VBAC and something were to happen so I was never given a choice. So I will be delivering 4 days before my actual due date and I am excited to be pregnant free with my two babies for the summer!!
Thanks for checking in and check back often because I am going to do short updates more often since I am too tired to continue with these long ones and pretty soon, I won't have the time!!!
Oh, and if anyone gets the sudden urge to shop for adorable baby girl things because it's so fun, I did put together just a very small baby registry at Target. Please please, do not feel obligated, this is my second baby and these are just a few things that I would like but of course, don't HAVE to have, unless you feel that I do!! Hee hee! Shopping for girls is soo fun!! I have been really restraining myself though and have only bought two outfits and a couple other things. I am soooo lucky to have been the recipient of hand-me-downs from my sister, friends, and cousins with bags and bags of lovely girl clothes! It has been so exciting to look through it all! I am sad to see Ben's things go (especially since I am being told to hang onto it until that baby comes out without boy parts) but I wanted to share them with friends who can benefit from them right now. I know where they live, I can come and collect if I need!!!
Hope you are all staying healthy and getting ready for summer (any minute now!).
Christmas Preparation
11 years ago