I have been the most sad about leaving my little guy for 5 days. Some times when I put Ben to bed or I am snuggling with him during the day, I find myself in tears because I am missing him already. I worry that he will no longer be my baby and that he will be upset that he does not get 110% of my time and attention. He is going to be such a good big brother and a big help to mommy, I just don't want things between us to change.
We took Ben on his last "only child" hoorah this past weekend. We just took him to a hotel close to Milwaukee that had a toddler pool. I was so worried about the sleeping situation because he has only been in his big boy bed for a few weeks and I had no clue how he would do on a hotel pull out bed right next to us. How do you think my big boy did??
We got there after 5:00 after eating chicken nuggets in the car on the way, went up to our room on the 3rd floor, and got ready to jump in the pool. It was so funny to see this little guy hopping and bouncing down the hallway in just a little swimmer diaper with his butt cheeks hanging out on our way to the pool. He loved the water and the little frog slide in the toddler pool. Most of all, he loved his freedom in the water. After about an hour in the pool, we had a last minute meal of cheetos, subway, and m&m's (his favorite!) We decided to keep him up a little later than normal so we didn't have to go to bed so early so bedtime that night was at about 10:30. We brought his bed rails for the pull out bed and his two favorite pillows so it was a little familiar to him. Other than taking a few minutes to get over the fact that he could see daddy in the bed next to him while I sang him to sleep, he passed out almost as soon as I laid him down. He slept straight through the night but got up really early around 6 after it was light enough to again see daddy in the bed next to him so we got up for our free continental breakfast before heading back to the pool. This time he had some big boys to watch so he learned how to kick his legs while daddy "swam" him around the adult pool. After an hour or swimming, Ben was ready to get outta there so we headed to the room to pack up and head home. He had a good time and I was glad we were able to do it before baby came. Doctor said yesterday that she is finally no longer breech so that should make for an easier c-section delivery. She is starting to drop and I can feel all the pressure below and feel her feet gliding around and poking on the top.
Below are some pictures from our getaway and other updated pics.
Waiting at the window for daddy to come home.
Mommy and handsome baby!

The view from our hotel room!

Big boy in the pool.
Watching The Wiggles!
Mmmm, candy!
Fun with my cup in the water.
Where's Benjamin??
There he is!! Playing in my old car seat before my baby sister gets it!
I think I fit in here just fine!